Don’t rely on a home inspection services to diagnose or give you detailed information on the condition of your swimming pool or swimming pool equipment. A majority of home inspection companies do not have the years of swimming pool specific experience and education required to properly evaluate a swimming pool. Most home inspection companies in fact include a swimming pool waiver or disclaimer in their home inspection report. A swimming pool is the most valuable asset in a home and one of the most costly of assets to repair. Before you buy your next home with a swimming pool. Pool service by Jason can guide you thru the evaluation process and provide you with a detailed report you can rely on in your purchase negotiations. You are buying your new home “AS-IS”, so before you sign the dotted line know what you are getting yourself into. A detailed pool evaluation report will help in the negotiation of selling price on a home, a swimming pool is the most expensive asset in a property and costly repairs to it are the best negotiating tool.
Convenience is the key foundation in our business culture. Time is always a factor in the swimming pool industry and we are aware of the timeline associated with buying or selling properties with swimming pools. Pool Service by Jason is a certified swimming pool inspection agent by the APSP. Your inspection will be done timely and efficiently over 100 point visual inspection done with a detailed written report with photos. Save time, money, and the headaches with having a swimming pool professional evaluate your pool prior to title transfer.
An accurate inspection by a swimming pool professional makes all the difference, do not rely on your home inspection service to give you detailed information on your swimming pool or swimming pool equipment. With over 15 years of experience and education in the swimming pool industry, Pool Service by Jason has the expertise and experience necessary to bring to your attention any conditions or problems with a swimming pool or pool equipment that need addressed with a pool or spa so that you don’t get blindsided after you take possession.
INSPECTIONS DONE 7 DAYS A WEEK (click to call) (818) 900-4484
SOME OF THE MORE COMMON ITEMS WE EVALUATE pool enclosures, gates, fences, electrical bond, pluming, lights, pool surface, tile, pool decking, drainage ladders, coping, and expansion joint, spillways, heaters, pumps, GFCI outlets, water balance, automatic pool cleaners, suction drain covers, pool covers, spa covers, safety items, water filling systems, automation.
FAQ’s Are we certified to inspect swimming pools? Pool service by Jason is a licensed and insured swimming pool company, NSPF CPO Certified Pool Operator, NSPF CPI Certified Pool Inspector, National plaster council certified, with a decade of experience , education and accreditations.
How long does an evaluation take? When will my report be available? A typical standard pool evaluation takes about 1-2 hours on site and about an hour to prepare the detailed report and enclose photos, the report will be emailed to you and or your agent of request. Do we provide leak detection service? water loss determination service? Water loss, and leak detection service is not included in the standard pool evaluation service but can be added on at an additional cost. Doesn’t my home inspection include the pool? Most home inspection services include a waiver on the pool and or do not include swimming pools in their inspection. Most home inspectors do not have the expertise or education in swimming pools to properly evaluate them. Do we test the swimming pool equipment? There are many components and pieces of equipment for a swimming pool, as technology advances, so does pool equipment. Today’s pools with automation and variable speed pumps, wifi controlled equipment, solar and complex equipment pads, we have the experience and expertise to properly evaluate and test all and any pool equipment. Do we inspect the pool deck, fences and gates? Yes, this is usually the first thing we inspect as safety is one of the most important factors in owning a swimming pool, and safety is something we strongly focus on. Making sure pool access is closed off, secured and gates and fences self-close and self-latch to prevent accidents, along with also looking for a secondary safety measure present. Do we inspect the plaster /aggregate surface? Yes. The walls and floor surface of the pool and or spa is visually inspected for surface defects wear, and damage. some of the more common problems we see are: (1) Rough plaster surfaces from calcification scaling, delamination of plaster crazing, and cracking, (2) Structural cracking usually caused by improper construction techniques or improper design or engineering (3) Scaling caused by Improper levels of pH, alkalinity, or calcium may lead to scaling which is a buildup/deposits of calcium or other minerals. This includes etching and calcium nodules, which can form in drips or mounds. (4) Surface discoloration. Because plaster is porous, it stains easily which has many causes but most common is metal staining and improper plaster start up and improper water balance or if the plaster was incorrectly troweled. (5) Spalling. A spall is a thin layer (1/8 inch or less) of the plaster surface that flakes or peels off, usually from the bottom side. This happens due to over-troweling the surface, improperly timed troweling, or adding too much water while troweling
Do I need a safety barrier or enclosure on my pool ? California Pool Safety Law 2018. California Pool Owners – As of January 1, 2018, pool owners will need to install at least 2 of 7 specified drowning prevention safety features to reduce the serious risk of drowning. (1) An enclosure that meets the requirements of Section 115923 and isolates the swimming pool or spa from the private single-family home. An “Enclosure” means a fence, wall, or another barrier that isolates a swimming pool from access to the home. Compliance with this section includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Any access gates through the enclosure must open away from the swimming pool, and must be self-closing with a self-latching device placed no lower than 60 inches above the ground.
The enclosure must be a minimum height of 60 inches.
The maximum vertical clearance from the ground to the bottom of the enclosure shall be no more than 2 inches.
Any gaps or voids in the enclosure shall not allow passage of a sphere equal to or greater than 4 inches.
The outside surface shall be free of protrusions, cavities, or other physical characteristics that would serve as handholds or footholds that could enable a child below the age of five years to climb over the enclosure.
The enclosure shall isolate the swimming pool or spa from the private single-family home. [Health and Safety Code 511922 (a)(1)]
(2) A removable mesh fencing that meets American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Specifications F2286 standards in conjunction with a gate that is self-closing and self-latching and can accommodate a key lockable device. Compliance with this code includes, but is not limited to, the following:
The top of a fence or wall used as a barrier needs to be a minimum of 48 inches above the exterior side of the barrier.
The access gate opens away from the swimming pool.
There will be a clear zone of at least 20 inches between the barrier and swimming pool.
The gate is self-closing, and self-latching and the latch is placed no lower than 54-inches above the ground. The gate is hinged, and the latch is placed on the outside of the gate.
The fence height on both sides of the grade will be above 48 inches.
The vertical clearance from the grade to the enclosure bottom will not exceed 1 inch.
Gaps and Voids within the fence will not allow passage of a sphere equal or greater to 4 inches.
The fence surface will be free of protrusions, cavities and other characteristics that would serve as a handhold or foothold. The distance between the vertical poles is sufficient to hinder a child’s ability to climb.
(3) An approved safety pool cover, as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 115921. This is an ASTM F1346-91 compliant automatic or manual pool cover. Compliance with this code includes, but is not limited to, the following:
The static load test for weight support. The cover should be able to hold a weight of at least 485lbs (the estimated average weight of 2 adults and one child) to permit rescue operation.
Perimeter Deflection Tests for entry or entrapment between the cover and the side of the pool. The cover must demonstrate that any opening is sufficiently small and strong enough to prevent the test object being passed through.
The Surface Drainage Test that safeguards against a dangerous amount of water collecting on the cover’s surface.
Labeling requirements must include basic consumer information such as the warranty information, the appropriate warnings as described in the standard and acknowledge the product as a safety cover.
(4) Exit alarms on the private single-family home’s doors that provide direct access to the swimming pool or spa. The exit alarm may cause either an alarm noise or a verbal warning, such as a repeating notification that “the door to the pool is open.” Exit alarms are also required on ANY door or window that permits access from the residence to the pool area without an enclosure between the pool and the home. The exit alarm must make a continuous audible sound when the door or window is open and or ajar. (5) A self-closing, self-latching device with a release mechanism placed no lower than 54 inches above the floor on the private single-family home’s doors providing direct access to the swimming pool or spa; this is ANY door opening on to the pool area, sliding or otherwise. (6) An alarm that, when placed in a swimming pool or spa, will sound upon detection of accidental or unauthorized entrance into the water. The alarm shall meet and be independently certified to the ASTM Standard F2208 “Standard Safety Specification for Residential Pool Alarms,” which includes surface motion, pressure, sonar, laser, and infrared type alarms. A swimming protection alarm feature designed for individual use, including an alarm attached to a child that sounds when the child exceeds a certain distance or becomes submerged in water, is not a qualifying drowning prevention safety feature. Compliance with this code includes, but is not limited to, the following:
The alarm shall sound within 20 seconds both at the pool and within the residence via a remote receiver.
The operational condition of the alarm shall be made known by means of an energized lamp at a distance of 10 feet +/- 1 foot and specified at a specified angle of view (45 degrees from perpendicular +/- % degrees).
The alarm shall be capable of providing a sound pressure level of not less than 85 DBA.
If the alarm is battery operated, there must be a low-battery indicator.
The alarm must automatically reset.
Wireless alarms must be FCC Part-15 compliant.
If the alarm deactivates or has reduced sensitivity due to environmental factors, the alarm must provide a visual and audible warning.
(7) Other means of protection, if the degree of protection afforded is equal to or greater than that afforded by any of the features set forth above and has been independently verified by an approved testing laboratory as meeting standards for those features established by the ASTM or the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). (Source: California Senate Bill 442)